Easy Ways to Bring More Security to Your Relationship - Part 1

If your relationship sometimes feels like you’re riding a rollercoaster, there are simple ways to feel more secure as a couple. These are techniques you can use by yourself and with your partner to keep you both on a more even course.

Steps You Can Take by Yourself

1.      Build up your self esteem. Start out by feeling secure about yourself. Take satisfaction in your own accomplishments. Pursue meaningful goals. Talk to yourself in a way that is kind and motivating.

2.      Acknowledge your feelings. If you’re together long enough, you’re bound to have conflicted emotions about your partner occasionally. Accept your doubts, fears and irritations so you can process them rationally.

3.      Manage stress. A healthy lifestyle will keep you more resilient.

  • Get plenty of good quality sleep.

  • Eat right and exercise regularly

  • Use alcohol in moderation.

  • Find relaxation methods, like meditation or massage, that work well for you 

4.      Solve your own challenges. It’s nice to have a partner to commiserate with, but stay on top of your own responsibilities. Learn to do the laundry or make easy home repairs instead of always depending on your spouse to do the job

5.      Try new things. Expand your comfort zone. Take dance lessons or volunteer in the emergency room at a local hospital. You may develop a new sense of assurance and become even more fascinating.

6.      Maintain your family ties and friendships. Healthy couples rely on a broad base of support. Spend time with your family and friends. Get to know your neighbors.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post on things you can do TOGETHER to bring more security…