Easy Ways to Bring More Security to Your Relationship - Part 2

Darden Behavioral Couples Tips Blog

1.      Communicate effectively. Communication skills are fundamental to any stable relationship. Talk to each other openly and with respect. Pick neutral times for tackling sensitive subjects.

Listen attentively and give your partner your full attention instead of focusing on what you want to say next

2.      Provide mutual support. Celebrate your interdependence. Share household chores and parenting responsibilities. Offer your spouse a quiet afternoon at home while you take the kids out shopping for school shoes.

3.      Resolve conflicts peacefully. Expect to disagree at times. Try to see each other’s position and look for ways to compromise. Stay calm and be willing to apologize. The best solutions make you both feel like winners.

4.      Accommodate each other. Be flexible when there is no risk to your wellbeing or core values. Take turns visiting each other’s family on the holidays. Volunteer for extra errands when you know your partner has a tight deadline at work.

5.      Stick to your household budget. Financial pressures can cause divisions. Put your household budget in writing. Monitor how you spend, save and invest your money. Plan major purchases in advance.

6.      Create your own traditions. Personal traditions give us a sense of belonging and safety.  Make family dinners a priority. If you both enjoy the theater, buy annual subscriptions to a local theater company.

7.      Stay close. Flirt with each other. Hold hands when you go out to the movies. Read interesting news stories aloud over breakfast. Put out a vase of fresh flowers in your bedroom.

8.      Consider classes and counseling. Being willing to accept expert assistance is a sign of strength. Couples classes can help you learn communication skills and new ways of interacting. Counseling can help you break through issues that are difficult for you to resolve on your own.

Work at making your relationship run more smoothly. Building up your self confidence and treating your partner with respect will help you to feel more secure with yourself and each other.

Renee Darden